Computer Forensics Defined
Computer Forensics, technically Computer Forensic Data Recovery (CFDR), is the science of recovering data from an electronic or digital source that may have been deleted or otherwise damaged or hidden.
We have received many calls from clients with genuine concerns that either their business or personal computers have been penetrated and manipulated. Computer Forensics, or Computer Forensic Investigation, will provide you with real time results by uncovering what was deleted, stolen, and hidden. Our experts will be able to quickly and efficiently collect and preserve data from the inner workings of your computer that the fraudster hid. We accomplish this by using state of the art technology and techniques in order to either recover this data on location or at our lab facilities in Indianapolis, Indiana. CFFI is a fully licensed and operating CPA and Private Investigative firm that also specializes in computer forensics and cell phone forensics.
Case Study
Recently, we were faced with several employees conspiring against the owner of the company to steal propriety information from a shared server for personal and business gain using their company-issued PCs. We confiscated their computers, imaged the server, and conducted forensic analysis. We were able to determine what they were up to, identify what files were modified, run, and deleted, provide web browsing history, and gain access to emails, including the recovery of emails that had been deleted. Our report provided a big picture of the integrity of the employees, specific evidence to be used in the resulting lawsuit, and an accurate audit trail of our work. CFFI is experienced in performing this type of analysis on desktop and laptop computers, smart phones (commonly known as cell phone forensics), covert camera and DVR systems, and RAID sets. We are also able to provide electronic discovery and expert testimony to assist with the case and will work as a liaison between our client and the legal authorities.